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Bagpipe Abc Files Lotro Forums

  1. Lotro Songbook Abc Files
  2. Lotro Midi Files

The LotRO horn looks like a very tiny, extra curvy alpenhorn with holes down the front and sounds like that same toy keyboard from which the LotRO bagpipes borrowed their voice (although it could be argued that the LotRO horn is supposed to sound like a saxophone, and I think it sounds like a very bad shawm).

So you think you know how to play music in LOTRO? Well, there's more to it than you realize.

Let me tell you how to play music like a professional.The Basics1. Typing /music will place you in music mode. You must have your instrument equipped first. You must be in music mode before you can play a song.2. Typing /play 'songname' ('songname' = name of the file the song has been saved as) will play any abc files saved in your LOTRO/music folder.3. Typing /playlist will give you a list of all the songs in your LOTRO/music folder.

(If you have a lot of songs you'll get a few moments of lag.)4. If you are playing in a group you must remember to type sync or you will start the song before everyone else and look silly.5. When playing in a group after everyone is cued up someone must type /playstart to begin playing.File Set upHere's what you need to do to set up MVT's abc files.1. Go into your My Documents/LOTRO folder.

Inside there should be a Music folder. If there isn't, create one. All abc files must go inside the LOTRO/music folder to be playable in game.2. Now, go to the File Library here on our site. There are a series of.zip files there called Solo, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, and Raid.

Download these.zip files. Now you should find the.zip files on your desktop. When you open the zip you will find inside a folder with the same name as the zip. DO NOT EXTRACT the files from the zip. Simply open your LOTRO/Music folder and drag the folder from the zip directly into the Music folder without altering anything. Do this with all of the above named zips.3. Every weekend before Music Night a new 'Test' zip folder will be uploaded to the file library containing any new abcs for testing.

If you do not yet have a Test folder, simply add it to the Music folder exactly like the other folders. If you already have a Test folder, replace it entirely with the new one.4. All of our songs will have just one file containing all of the instrument tracks for that song. To distinguish between the parts in a single file we use an indexing system where the number on the X: line at the top of the track shows you how to play it.4. Each intrument has a set of numbers assigned to it.Drum: single digits (1-9)Lute: 10sHarp: 20sTheorbo: 30sFlute: 50sHorn: 60sClarinet: 70sBagpipe: 80sside note: We rarely use cowbell in our songs but if used it will be assigned as percussion in the 1-9 range. So you might be a cowbell track assigned to 2.So, the Lute 1 part of a song will be labeled as X: 11. The first digit shows that it is in the 10s and is therefore a lute.

The second digit shows that it is the 1st lute part of the song. If a song has a Lute 2 part as well that will be labeled as X: 12 and so on.Playing with our System1. The Playlist function is your friend. If you type /playlist you will bring up a list of every abc file in your music folder in your chat log.

This is not recommended once you download our files. There are a lot of them.However, you can narrow down the list by typing /playlist foldername/. (you MUST include the. for this to work) instead. So then, typing /playlist 6/. will bring up a list of every song in the 6 folder.You can also bring up individual songs by typing /playlist songname. (again, WITH the.).

Bagpipe abc files lotro forums 2017

Lotro Songbook Abc Files

You will then bring up any file with that song name in it. This will work with partial names.For example, typing /playlist American. will bring up the information for the AmericanPie file in the 6 folder. Likewise, if you typed in /playlist Crazy.

you will bring up the file CrazyLittle and the file CrazyTrain.2. This is what you will see if you do a playlist search for a multipart song, like the file Eileen in the 6 folder:6/Eileen, 6 tunes:11: Come on Eileen by Dexy's Midnight Runners - Lute 112: Come on Eileen by Dexy's Midnight Runners - Lute 213: Come on Eileen by Dexy's Midnight Runners -Lute 331: Come on Eileen by Dexy's Midnight Runners - Theorbo51: Come on Eileen by Dexy's Midnight Runners - Flute61: Come on Eileen by Dexy's Midnight Runners - HornIt will show you all the tracks in that file. The file pathway at the top (6/Eileen) represents the folder name and the song file name that you will need to input to play the file. The numbers on the left (11, 12, 13, 31, 51, 61) are the index numbers that you need to input to play a particular track.3. To play a song inside a subfolder you must type /play foldername/songname.If you are playing a song from the solo folder then you are going to type /play solo/songname and hit enter. For example: /play solo/bourreeIf you are playing a multipart song in a group the command follows this pattern: /play foldername/songname indexnumber sync.


The sync is very important. If you do not include it you will begin playing the song before your other band members. So for example, if you are assigned to play the Lute 1 part in the song Eileen you will type this:/play 6/eileen 11 sync4. When MVT plays in concert, the bandleader will give instructions for what song is being played and who is playing what instrument track. Here's an example:Ingolemo says: Next 6/Eileen Callendor on Lute 1, Cudae on Lute 2, Drath on Theorbo, Fion on Flute, Hildi on Horn.Notice that he gives you the folder name and file name right at the beginning. Here's what those individuals will type in to play those parts:Callendor will type: /play 6/eileen 11 syncCudae will type: /play 6/eileen 12 syncIngolemo will type: /play 6/eileen 13 syncDrathoros will type: /play 6/eileen 31 syncFionnuala will type: /play 6/eileen 51 syncHildibjorn will type: /play 6/eileen 61 sync5.

If you can't remember what the index number is for the instrument you've been given, the best thing for you to do is to quickly type in a /playlist eileen. and you'll have the full list right there on your screen.6. Sometimes you will come across an error when typing in your command. If it says something like 'There is an error in the abc notation' that means there's an actual problem with the file and you should tell the bandleader right away.

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He'll need to improvise by moving on to a different song.If it says something like 'Cannot find that abc file' then MOST LIKELY the problem is that you typed something wrong. You may have misspelled the song name or you may have typed 5/eileen instead of 6/eileen and it won't work because it can't find eileen in the 5 folder. Your best bet is to just retype it, this time more carefully. If you still can't find the file and you're sure you typed it correctly, then tell the bandleader. He'll need to improvise again and you may be in for a night hanging from your thumbs in the Kinhall.;)Advanced Tips1. To have smooth, professional concert events it is best to have one person assigned as the conductor. This person will give out the directions for which song is being played next and who is assigned to what part in the song.

This person will also be the one to type /playstart.2. You can begin to cue up the next song while you are still playing. If you are assigned to the same instrument you simply need to type in the next /play command remembering to include the sync and you will be ready to play the next song as soon as someone types /playstart.3. Some people may need to switch instruments for the next song. There are a couple of ways to make this easier.a. (Fionnuala's way) I have my windows key keymapped as 'toggle music mode'. That way with one keystroke I exit music mode, click on my new instrument, and one more keystroke puts me back in music mode.b.

(Arachas' way) Arachas places all the instruments he needs on his hot bars for a concert. If he needs to switch instruments he can exit music mode by clicking the hot key for the instrument he is currently playing.

Lotro Midi Files

Then by double clicking on the instrument he wishes to play next he will both equip that instrument and enter music mode.Also, after the next song assignment has been given I will type my /play command out and then copy it so that I can easily paste it back in quickly once my new instrument is equipped. Typing the command before you have switched instruments will do nothing.4. It is advisable to ensure that all of your music folders are working properly before a concert by simply doing a /playlist command for each folder you will need.

We have had times when someone suddenly experienced an error with a particular folder that caused trouble in a concert.5. You can stop playing a song WITHOUT exiting music mode by typing `.If I've missed anything or you have any questions please let me know.

Advanced performance tips:When playing in public, especially at large events, there may be a Master of Ceremonies, who will announce songs when appropriate, greet and otherwise interact with the audience, etc. The MC may or may not be the same as the Conductor, but will be decided beforehand.

Other bandmembers are encouraged to take part in this fashion whenever the MC is done, and banter between the bandmembers in /say always looks awesome. (Some caveats; if you want to be 'in character', you kind of can't talk with a flute, horn, or clarinet in your mouth.)While performing, be careful about typing or moving.


Make sure your chat window is open before you type anything, or you might inadvertently move, and thus stop playing. This happens to everyone, but it does mess with the flow of things. A little RP can rectify this and get us back on track again.

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