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Zx81 Flight Simulator Download


User comments 56 comment(s)wow (2:35pm est mon oct 16 2000)wow a blast from the past. Your showing you age if you even remember this thing. Hey was the storage device for that computer a radio shack tape recorder at a rate of 500 baud. Ha ha hasorry but if i bring anymore computer junk into my house my wife will kill me;) – by raxgeez. I'm getting old. (3:10pm est mon oct 16 2000)well, guilty as charged. That thing was my very first computer:) os was basic if i recall it right – had a few good games, but nothing really amazing.

Flight Simulator Zx81 Psion 'Flight Simulation' on the 16k Spectrum ZX81 – heavy landing, but got it down. Sinclair ZX81 Various roms, games and ISOs to copy to your computer for no cost Download Sinclair ZX81 Various ROMs and Games for PC,iOS or Android device and purchase the emulators for gratis from the.

I thought about this box a few weeks ago and how it compares with my vaio laptop (700mhz, 18gig, 256mb ram). We've come a long way since, that's for sure – by copicatwhat about the 1000's??? (3:36pm est mon oct 16 2000)i guess i even feel older. Mine was the sinclair 1000. I think i paid about $130 for it. I can remember calling all my friends over to watch as i typed:10 print”i rule!!!”20 goto 10– by commodore kidsomanabastages! (3:44pm est mon oct 16 2000)i too join the ranks of the aged.

I can't believe that a company would hold on to aged assets. I'm sure as hell not going to get one. Why make the same mistake twice? Lol – by soulromthey're a lot cheaper used.

Download Flight Simulator For Pc

(3:49pm est mon oct 16 2000)one can easily pick up a ts1000 or equivlent for only $20 or so at auction. One company in the early 80's was allowed to take of the stickers that said “timex”, and resell them at $30 or so plus shipping & handling. And i speak from experience. I'm a timex collector, with four ts1000's, a sinclair ql, a thermal printer, dozens of tapes, books, etc., among other things. – by a timex guruspeech synthesis (3:52pm est mon oct 16 2000)does anyone remember hooking one up to the speech chip from a speak-n-spell to make it talk?

How about hooking up a real keyboard? – by ronhow anachronistic!!


(4:07pm est mon oct 16 2000)ordering a zx81 over the web!!what an ironic trip!– by karlemulators (4:27pm est mon oct 16 2000)i remember learning basic on this thing and writing some pretty intensive programs. I still have some of the game tapes. Flight simulator was my favorite.

I wonder if they're also selling the bulk 16k ram boxes that plugged into the back. Then you could really get some serious programming done.download an emulator for free if you've forgotten how clucnky these things were.not sure where to download, but they're out there. – by slorge gridlockthe whole reason (5:00pm est mon oct 16 2000)this was the whole reason why my brother and i got a 12″ b/w tv. To display output from the sinclair.

Wow, i think i was ten! – by nowiknowimoldsaving on cd (5:00pm est mon oct 16 2000)funny thing is it's really easy to save information on cd for these old machines. Just burn the sound from the data cassette onto the cd!you can only use this method to backup software on the commodore 64 and the adam. To use the software you'd have to record the sound back onto tape. – by mediaboy$99.95?

(5:19pm est mon oct 16 2000)why would you pay $100 for one of these? I think i got mine at a garage sale for $2.50 several years ago. Don't know if i still have it, but $100 can get you a lot more usable technology today.

– by jrwhy (5:43pm est mon oct 16 2000)why would anyone want a timex sinclair zx81? – by raxtotally retro (6:50pm est mon oct 16 2000)lets take what mediaboy said and expand on it. Take the output from a tape and record it to your pc as a mpeg file. Wont the riaa boys have fun if people start trading zx81/c64/ti99-4a/et al software via napster 8^).seriously though, it might be kinda cool to interface the audio out/in from the zx81 to the mic/speaker jacks on a pc sound card.

Completely random access, save each program as a seperate file, save data files on a hdd, and store it all as mpeg audio files. – by token userclassics (7:38pm est mon oct 16 2000)i wish i would have never sold my commodore c-64 or my amiga 2000 for that matter.great machines that were way ahead of their time. – by txcrudezx81 (10:53pm est mon oct 16 2000)i do remember when the kits were advertised $199. I got a zx81 as a freebie for listening to a sales pitch for something or other. It came with the 16k ram module. I still have it. If you have a video capture card you can plug into it and use your pc monitor for display.

You can do the same thing with vic 20, c64 etc. – by 56inkcmessage for 56inkc (11:17pm est mon oct 16 2000)soooooooo what.hehehehehehjust kidding – by raxzx spectrum rocks! (11:37pm est mon oct 16 2000)why would i want to buy an old zx81 when my zx spectrum with color and expanded 48k of ram leaves it for dead.

Talking of recording to cdrom the zx81 data audio. The zx spectrum produced some pretty psychedelic video effects when loading software from the tape drive. That could be put to good use in a video collage.

Maybe zebra systems still have some inventory or zx spectrums too. – by chainsaw sculptortandy trs80 (11:45pm est mon oct 16 2000)tandy trs80. Now that's a real classic. Built to last! None of this membrane keyboard crap. No one ever lost their job for buying tandy! – by chainsaw sculptorsinclair was the man, but (12:03am est tue oct 17 2000)10 pay 5% of credit card bill20 buy useless nostalgia crap30 get new credit card bill40 goto 10 – by is it really 200ad?sinclair was the man, but (12:03am est tue oct 17 2000)10 pay 5% of credit card bill20 buy useless nostalgia crap30 get new credit card bill40 goto 10 – by is it really 2000ad?trash 80 (1:06am est tue oct 17 2000)i had a trs80 (trash 80) chainsaw and guess where it is now??

– by raxpitty that the micro drive couldn't cut it (2:22am est tue oct 17 2000)pity sinclair's 68000 mac killer crippled by their proprietary micro drive (high speed tape loop cassettes). Almost as crazy as crippling a high performance p3 system with a memory translator hub. That was the beginning of the end for sinclair computers. Maybe history will repeat.

– by chainsaw sculptortrs80 clone (2:28am est tue oct 17 2000)actually my dad bought us kids a trs80 clone with a full 16k and built in tape drive. – by chainsaw sculptorbah (4:50am est tue oct 17 2000)way too expensiveeven for the retro-rush – by dakidi've still got one (5:18am est tue oct 17 2000)and it's in a frame on my wall! Not my original kit-built zx81 – that one ended up with a full keyboard, rs232 ports, 3 channel sound and user-defined graphics (i wonder where it is now?). I had to have one to commemorate my introduction to computing. Shame the z80as burn out – by duncthe mighty 1000 (8:06am est tue oct 17 2000)i can still remember my sinclair 1000.

What a computer! The fond memories of showing it off for the family and friends. That was a long time ago. It's hard to believe that pc's have come so far so fast. That thing had like 1k or 2k of ram but you could always upgrade it to a whopping 16k.

I can't believe someone is trying to sell these for $99 though. I might of payed $20 to get a blast from the past. – by jacundawhat to use it for (12:13pm est tue oct 17 2000)i gave a zx81 to my sister for her kids and it ended up as a doorstop. But i digress the zx81 isn't a $100 computer shit, i could find one at a junk sale for a dollar for $100 i'm gettin' an mp3 player or maybe an iopener – by geezer geektimex sinclair (9:55am est wed oct 18 2000)i own several ts 1000's and a ts 1500bypassed the voltage regulator and installed a 5v switching supply.video was rock steady after that.know the trash 80, didnt like it very much but i loved the good ole tandy coco computer – by andrew martinpast puters (6:19pm est sat oct 21 2000)hummm! So my brand new in the box timex sinclair (sorry chive — i traded the zx-81 for some atari 2600 games)and my used apple ii (not the first 1000 but probably could say i bought one from job's off the back of his pick-up, two apple iie's with no longer remember how many upgrades, not to forget my brand new apple iic (upgraded to remember z-80 programming language, ti 1000, — okay!

There is so many more pieces of equipment (both ibm, ibm clones, and macintoshes) in storage along with my old pong machine that i thought i should save for collector's items. I am in the process of moving the house and all old machines have a visits with the trashman. Tried to give the apples away to private church schools couple of years ago and they had 20 more in their basement.anybody want to buy an upright video “tron” video game machine — i will throw in the disney movie so youngster will “gain” understand!think of the machine (machines) i could buy today for all of the $$$$$$$ i gave the puter industry and i still have to live with “bugs” in my puter. Think we would have let the car industry (recall firestone tires of current events) get away with this type of customer service. – by zorro244apple ii (6:45am est mon oct 30 2000)i traded my apple ii to my dentist for a bridge job.– by tomlucky me!!! (6:30am est tue nov 21 2000)i was lucky enough to live through a period where you could spell my name with two computers on the market!

And i owned a timex sinclair too! Remember how butt-awful frogger was on this thing? Too bad i already had colecovision and couldn't make any kind of argument for my parents to buy me an adam! – by adam sinclaira&j micro drive (3:57am est thu nov 23 2000)just a curiosity, does anyone know what the commands are to load and save to this drive? I got one for the timex sinclair 2068 – which surprised me after unboxing it after being in the closet for over 12 years, that it still works.but the drivei forgot the commandscan some one help? – by tomtimex 1000/2040 printer (2:09pm est fri mar 23 2001)i am looking for a schematic for the 2040 thermal printer.

Does anyone know where i could pick one up?is there anyway to modify the printer so that it prints “darker” with-out damaging the unit??if you're having trouble with ram-pack wobble, take a small 25 watt soldering iron and tin all of the pins on the connector at the back, both sides. That should help.– by hammy t.memories (i got 16k in my head) (7:19pm est fri apr 06 2001)used to play chess a lot on my zx81. Rigged up a power supply and 12vdc tv in my car to play chess on trips. Wrote a lot of basic programs on it, too.

Wrote a program to print out all the letter combinations that your phone number would spell out.spent 2-3 hours one time programming when my wife came in the room and shut the light off as a joke. Unfortunately, my 81 was plugged into the light socket and lost my program. Started backing up more often then.ram pack wobble – double-sided tape can help a lot, too.had a lot of fun with it way back when. – by stankzx-81 and zx-80 (2:51pm est wed may 02 2001)wow! I still have my microace (zx-80 kit) complete with 8k floating point basic upgrade and 16k ram upgrade. Yeah, it's in a box in the garage somewhere.the old magazines in the box are probably worth more than the computer.but as for nostalgia, that's how i got started with home computers, soldering up my own kit.

I used to buy those keyboard chips two at a time at radio shack. Static electricity zapped 'em like crazy. I remember that i finally ran a wire to the wall outlet ground and clipped it to my (timex) wrist watch. – by radpet2068 (4:33pm est tue may 15 2001)i still have my 2068, its tape drive, and carts, and games.and the printer, with a roll of paper (unopened!). I learned basic on that machine and that was the start of an illustrious career. – by oldskul$100 bucks better spent!!!!

(3:55am est mon may 28 2001)if you are like me and won't waste good $100 bucks on old junk but still would waste the time, then consider some of the links bellow, they'll get you started on your free virtual piece of history enjoy! – by el chippo +my first computer (12:46pm est wed jun 06 2001)the first computer i ever owned was a ts1000. I bought it with my paper route money when i was 14 years old.it was the first computer i ever learned to program on.   – by tom premotom premo, geezer geek posting (6:12pm est fri aug 10 2001)email address: tom@premo.com– by tom premotimex (2:31pm est thu nov 01 2001)looking for a watch that also casn give you information about stocks– by heiditimex 1000 (3:27pm est fri nov 09 2001)im looking for any interesting z80 based electronic projects that could be adapted to a timex 1k computer – eg. Controlling 120 vac lights, controlling small dc motorsetc.

Etc.i have(2)timex computers w/(2)-16k memory pax and i love using them. – by hammy t.what i started with (1:02am est tue jan 15 2002)my first introduction to computers was also a zx81. My dad bought it throughmail order when i was in junior high school. It used to take forever to type in those basic programs in the magazines. Never did any serious programming of my own though. – by alton s.zx81 kits now available in europe (2:29pm est mon apr 01 2002)zx81 kits, books, peripherals, printers etc.

Are now available in europe.visit for a memory of the good old days. – by zx81kit.co.ukzx81 kits now available in europe (2:30pm est mon apr 01 2002)zx81 kits, books, peripherals, printers etc. Are now available in europe.visit for a memory of the good old days. – by zx81kit.co.ukwant you spectrum clones (9:54am est tue apr 30 2002)want you spectrum clones fabricated in romaniahccipjete-mail: locuinta@yahoo.com – by florin101 things to do with a zx81 (6:58am est tue jul 16 2002)this has been mentioned in the user comments section. You can see a review of it at.

Steve trower, the author, is considering republishing it – possibly on the web. – by alex waddington101 things to do with a zx81 (7:00am est tue jul 16 2002)sorry, left a '.' Should be:– by alex waddington$10 sinclair 1000 (2:32am est mon jul 29 2002)i remember being with my father at sears one day, long ago. There was a bin of sinclair 1000 computers marked $10 each. I guess this was years after they came out dad asked me if i wanted one, i said no, what could i do with that.now they're $20-$50 on ebay, depending on conidtion and how many extras are included. Can't imagine paying $100 for just the computer – by bob$100 – £100 joke right?

(7:30pm est thu aug 08 2002)yeah right, i realy wanna pay like hundred quid/bucks for that, hmmmm, no, rather go to local car bootie and try my luck there, paid off so far now with some 50-60 retrocomps (memmory aids) of days gone by (way to fast). My uncle gave me a zx81 (4k) that he'd built, i was 11 (now 31) learnt basic and z80 mc by 12. Yep, i miss them daysbabble babble. But 100 quid, not on your nellie. – by veggiemanukwhy (6:42pm est mon mar 31 2003)who would pay $99 for an old sinclair zx81? There are many more modern usefulpieces of technology to pay $100 for. I think sir clive was a remarkable man,but hey, why pay $99 for an old about7.5″ x 7.5″ x 1.75 inch flat box, whenthats the same price that it sold for in1981.

Plus you have to put and solderthe chips. I hope i can find one inthe trash or for less than $10 at a yard sale so i'll have my own. I've always wanted one even if i'll get bored, but i certainly won't spend $99for it.

– by rambonew 2004 zx81 software (6:56pm est thu may 06 2004)every month a new program is given! Visit “www.zx-team.de/andre” to see and download the free programs. To be the first to receive “zx-a-mine”, the june program, contact me at“zx81ab@progression.net”.– by andre.the sinclair 1000 still rocks!! (2:35pm est sat jul 17 2004)i used to have a sinclair 1000, programming was tedious with the membrane keyboard. But for a kid who was technically inclined it was a godsend!kids nowadays have everything done for them, back in the day if you wanted to play a pc game(if you didn't have a video game console), then you usually programmed it yourself.

Flight Simulator Download Mac

Those were the days!– by will d.timex clock–help?!?! (1:44pm est mon feb 28 2005)i am looking for someone who knows about timex clocks. I have contacted the very impolite timex staff whom can't do anything without a model number. I have what i think is a very old timex desk/mantle clock that i have listed on auction as we speak for pennies, lol. This does not have a model number but does have the timex logo on the clock face. If so please e-mail me directly instead of posting at apopkasweetee2@aol.com thanks – by melissamore zx81 software (4:08pm est thu sep 29 2005)since march 2004, a new and free program has been added to the list.

Flight Simulator Download Free

But october 2005 will see the first of the new generation of zx81/timex 1000 programs. Faster set up and no more “help-end” to end a level.

Look for “izxola”, the fun strategy game at “– by andre.

Flight Simulation,Release1982Flight Simulation is a program written by and marketed by for the and home computers.It was also marketed as Flug-Simulation in German. In the, marketed the ZX81 version as The Flight Simulator for the (the American version of the ZX81).The program simulated the essential aspects of 'a highly-manoeuvrable light ' in flight.

Despite the limitations of the ZX81, it offered a basic graphical view of the instrumentation and view through the front window, as well as navigational aids and a full-perspective moving view of the final runway approach.The ZX81 version received a positive review from. As quoted on the packaging for the later ZX Spectrum version, they stated 'No words can do justice to this most elegant of programs. You will not see a better computer game till Psion produce one for the Spectrum'.The ZX Spectrum version also received generally good reviews at the time of its release in 1982, although eight years on magazine considered that it had not dated well.

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