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Wow Patch 4 3 Mining Bot Games

Wow bot program

This is the way I do it. /who Cata zone (Uldum, Mount Hyjal, Deepholm, Twilight Highlands) 2. See if anyone does not fit the leveling range 3. Look them up on armory, look at achievements and professions 4.

Send them a whisper 5. Open ticket report them to GM For instance, yesterday I did a /who Mount Hyjal and found a lvl 70 and 73. Upon looking them up on the armory, I see that both their professions are mining/herbalism, and their only recent achievements are profession and exploration related. I sent them whispers asking if they were bots, and that I would report them if they did not respond. Sure enough, they did not respond so I reported them. Reason for my steps: 1. Look for anyone that does not fit the level requirements for the zone (ex.

If they are in a Cataclysm zone and they don't fit the level requirement, then they may be a bot. Proceed to step 3. Looking them up on the armory can really determine if they are a bot or not.

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Are their professions mining/herbalism? Are their latest achievements exploration/profession related? Is their gear mismatched or not fitting for their class? If so, you may be dealing with a bot. Of all the people who I've assumed were bots (lots of people), when I looked them up on the armory, only one of them did NOT have the mining/herbalism combo. Sending them a whisper can be essential in reporting a bot.

  1. Right now 9-9-18 4:42 UTC on Kel'Thuzad there are at least 3 druid. If its a farming toon, I don't even know if its against the rules, but I. A team of bothunters that kept the game as free of bots as possible. Bots did in Draenor, the people behind them can sell them for WoW Tokens and get cash that way.
  2. May 19, 2016  LastWow, Hellground and other 2.4.3 servers Waiting for feedback NOTICE: Speedhack on Hellground will ban you Teleport is undetectable on HG Speedhack and Teleport kicking on LastWow-There is still a lot of players on the private TBC 2.4.3 servers, i was one of 'em. I tried to find bot, which will help me a spare of time destinated for.

Usually if you whisper them saying that you will report them if they are botting, non-bots will respond and plead with you not to report them. A bot (of course) will not respond. Report to GM. A lot of people think 'GMs don't care, the bots won't get banned.' At least on my realm, I see the presumed botters gone within a day. So follow these steps on your realm to help it remain bot-free (or close enough).

Good hunting. Edit for clarification: I keep track of these people over a number of days. They NEVER leave the one zone they're in. 08:27 AMPosted by How do I look for bots? I continue doing what I was doing and not worry about what other people are doing because it is none of my business. This attitude is part of the reasons botters feel so confident in doing what they do.

Many feel like they won't get caught and that what they're doing really isn't a big deal. Botters hurt the economy of any realm that they are on. They selfishly CHEAT to get ahead, and really it should be everyone's responsibility to (when spotted) report these players. 08:25 AMPosted by For instance, yesterday I did a /who Mount Hyjal and found a lvl 70 and 73. Upon looking them up on the armory, I see that both their professions are mining/herbalism, and their only recent achievements are profession and exploration related. I sent them whispers asking if they were bots, and that I would report them if they did not respond. Sure enough, they did not respond so I reported them.

You have no idea what a bot is, do you not know that people go for 0 Quest and 0 Monster kill cause they like a challenge. To do this, they have to have herb picking, and mining and exploration cause that is the best way to get to 85 with out killing a monster or player, and with out doing any quests at all. EDIT: and btw some people dont respond to people bugging them cause they do not want to talk to someone butting into there business. Lots of low level toons in those areas farming. Many of them farm for hours and could be afk. Does your plan account for those, or they just get reported too?

Edit = im with the chick above me. My herber didnt get any cool achieves on the way to 85, unless i forget. But basically i park the toon in the money area and farm when i want to. Report them anyway on the off chance that they're bots, that's what I do. Blizzard will investigate, and if the person isn't using third-party software then they're fine.

I think this silly method of search and destroy is over the top. I farm alot and i hate the botters as much as the next guy. I'm just saying at least see the dude and his moves before you report. You cant miss the botters when you see them.

I have seen two sorts. The ones that are chuck norris ninjas. They herb - have two crocs on them - disappear under the ground like the invisible man. The other one is the noob flyer that goes for nodes already tapped. This guy also lands on every single node - standing on them.

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That isnt easy to do as a player. I tend to find a lot of bots that are within normal leveling ranges - generally in upper-50s content or Outland zones, though. I'll fly around and watch the individual for a bit, try to notice any patterns in combat, or lack of direction when moving around from mob to mob.

Bots tend to be fairly simple in these regards; use ability A, then B, then C, loot target, wander in a circular/winding path until next hostile target is acquired. I'll generally whisper the player and ask something about the current zone like 'Do you want to take over Halaa?' Or 'Could you help me with?'

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I've actually come across a kid playing on his parent's character, and the little guy politely told me that he was just 'killin cefhoofs while dad is in the shower,' but we partied up and took over Halaa anyway. He had a blast, and I was glad it wasn't a bot Being on a PvE server, finding a bot makes for some interesting encounters. Pitot tube diagram.

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Since most seem to auto-target hostile mobs, I can flag up and smack the crap out of the lower-level ones, often forcing them to spirit rez or log out entirely. For the more advanced ones that implement macros that target based on the names of mobs, I'll assist off the bot and land a DoT to tag mobs. You know, to help. Report them anyway on the off chance that they're bots, that's what I do. Blizzard will investigate, and if the person isn't using third-party software then they're fine. Ah the guilty until proven innocent method. By doing this you're creating a ton of extra work for the investigative team and keeping them from getting to the real botters faster.

And again, this brings up the question 'well how do you know if it's a real bot?' If someone irl is suspected of being a child molester, and acts like one, you don't say 'Ohhh well, just in case that person isn't a criminal I won't report his suspicious activity to the police. It will create extra work for them.' The investigative teams at Blizzard, much like irl police, were MADE to investigate these kinds of things, and any extra work you give them are what they are being paid to do. How do you expect them to find the 'real bots' if you never report anyone?

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