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Caleb S Story Questions Activities Director

  1. Caleb S Story Questions Activities Director Day
  2. Short Story Questions

Caleb We have selected Caleb as one of the most important people and character from the Bible and provided a biography and character outline of this famous person. Much of the information is taken from the classic reference books including Matthew George Easton 'Easton's Bible Dictionary' and Ashley S Johnson 'Condensed Biblical Cyclopedia'. Which God would desire us to have. In our study today, let’s see what Scriptures says about the call to be different. What does the Bible say? Look at Numbers 14 (Israel approaching the Promised Land): How did Joshua and Caleb’s perspective of their situation cause them to stand out (vv. Joshua and Caleb trusted.

The story of Joshua and Caleb is one of the most powerful and dramatic stories in all of the Bible. There are major lessons to be learned from their story in the Lord.Most Christians, but many Christians are not fully aware of the story of Joshua and Caleb. They are an extension off the story of Moses. They are the climax to the story of Moses as I will show you below.I will first give you a brief synopsis of their story, and then give you what needs to be learned from their story and how it personally applies to the situation that you are now facing. Brief Synopsis of Joshua and CalebGod sends Moses into the land of Egypt to rescue and deliver His people from their slavery to the Egyptians.

He throws 10 whopper plagues at the Pharaoh in order to get him to release His people from their bondage.God literally parts the Red Sea to complete the deliverance mission. God the Father performs one of the most powerful, supernatural displays of signs and wonders that the world has ever seen to get His people pulled out of Egypt.Moses tells God’s people that God will give them what He calls the Promised Land. It is a land flowing with milk and honey. He will settle His people down in this land and this is where He will then break the Israelites off into 12 different tribes.However, there is one little catch to this story. Before they are allowed to enter into this Promised Land, they must all first pass a test with the Lord. God allows them to stay in the wilderness for 40 years.

He gives them all the basics as far as food and water in order to be able to survive in the wilderness for the 40 years.God purposely tested His people to see if they would hold fast to Him and follow all of His ways while in this wilderness setting. And time after time, they continued to get themselves in major trouble with the Lord.At one point, God got so mad at their rebellious attitude, that He literally wanted to kill them. But Moses went into the gap for his people, pleaded his case before God as to why He should not kill His people, and the Bible said that God then relented and changed His mind – all because Moses stood in the gap and effectively pleaded his case before God.However, just after a little over 2 years into this 40 year wilderness journey is where they finally blew it for the last time with God the Father.The Israelites sent twelve spies into the Promised Land to check out who the enemy was and to develop battle strategies to defeat them. God was going to allow them to go into the Promised Land, but they first had to defeat and drive out some of their enemies in order to conquer and possess the land.When the spies came back, ten of them came back with a bad report. Now this is where Joshua and Caleb come in. God then tells Joshua and Caleb that they and the younger generation under 20 years of age would be the ones who would be able to go into the Promised Land because they had “wholeheartedly followed God.”They had full faith and belief in God that He could defeat all of their enemies once they went into the Promised Land to conquer and possess it.Joshua was the leader that eventually led them in. Moses himself was not allowed to go in, and he died and was buried out in the wilderness.

Joshua then took Moses’ position as leader of the Israelites.Joshua then goes into the Promised Land with his strong faith and belief in God, and then proceeds to literally wipe their enemies off the face of the earth and conquer and possess the land that God had promised their earlier forefathers Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob. Lessons To be Learned From Joshua and Caleb1. I believe the Promised Land for today’s Christian refers to God’s call on that person’s life.For the Christian that will fully surrender their entire life over to God the Father – I believe that God will place a specific call or calls on that person’s life.However, it may take many years before God releases this person into what their true calling is going to be for Him. Sometimes it may take years of preparation to get ready for this call.But once this call comes in and you are getting ready to cross over into your Promised Land, many Christians get cold feet at the last minute and walk out on their call.They start to get too focused on all the negative possibilities they will encounter if they take the call just like the 10 spies did with God the Father. Fear starts to set in and they then bail out of the boat.

The two keys to Joshua’s success was his strong faith and belief in God, and the fact that he had always “wholeheartedly followed God.”I always tell everyone to stay with their leadings from the Holy Spirit.The Bible says that the Holy Spirit will guide us into all truth and teach us all things.He is our personal Guide and Teacher in this life. If God puts a call on your life, but you do not follow His specific instructions and leadings on how to get there, then you will never succeed.Joshua’s story is one of the most dramatic stories in all of the Bible about someone who did it right in God. His story is a perfect example for all Christians on how to properly follow God and the call that He can place on your life.2. This story really applies to where you are at right now with God. Before we’re too harsh on the Israelites for beign afraid- let’s consider that they were beign asked to overcome extreme fear- not just a little doubt, but extreme fear- to put it into perspective- it would be akin to us walking into the ring with mike Tyson knowing how powerful he is and how weak we are- would many of us have the courage to do so?

Knowing we could die In the ring? Sure, it’s easy to say “With God all things are possible’ and it’s even easy to know that- however, it’s a whole nother thing to actually be put to the test.Suppose you become a cripple tomorrow? Suppose you have to have someone do EVERYTHING for you for the rest of your life?

Or suppose you lose your home and are thrown out on the streets in the dead of winter? Now knowing where to turn? Or suppose, God forbid, we are kidnapped and beaten and abused and don’t know if we’ll even survive it, let alone escape it? Or that we’re falsely accused and thrown into prison with hardened criminals for life? God who created this universe is greater than all the possible problems and He is mighty and ever-loving.Faith means that God will take care of you when things are impossible.He already had given so many samples earlier for them to believe so why not continue in believing Him when He had made promiseLack of faith means that thinking either 1. God is not mighty enough2. God will break His promise.And God promised us a lot of things Faith means to trust all those promises when situation gets tougher and darker or empty.

The giants were not taller than the red sea GOD parted. They were not based than the ten plugged Egypt faced, they were not greater than the throat or the hunger they had experienced,yet GOD brought. All these things happen to build Israel’s confidence in GOD. GOD will ask you to trust HIM before HE build up HIS trust in HIM first. GOD will do the same for you.

HE is no respect of person. When GOD ask you to trust HIM, HE will build up your trust before he ask you to trust HIM. Remember GOD already India’s WHAT you will do before you do it. If GOD is asking you to trust HIM, HE through THE HOLY SPIRIT WILL remind you of times you trusted HIM in the pass and HE came through for you.

Remember David said GOD delivered me from the lion and the bear, and GOD will deliver me from this gaint. Remembering the giants that GOD has delivered you from the pass, will help you face with confidence the giants you face today and tomorrow. I pray this helpsBE BLESSED. The story of Caleb & Joshua is a powerful one. I have been coming across a lot of stories on Caleb and the prayer of Caleb comes up a lot of times. I didnt know about what he did in the Bible and so on.I admire his courage,faith, and perseverance.

He was able to stand up for what he believed in, he didn’t go with the flow. I also pray for the same character because many times we ignore the inner voice telling us to do this and we just want to do what everybody else is doing.May God strenghthen us in our walk.


Caleb S Story Questions Activities Director Day

May our faith in him be strong and unwavering.God Bless you all. Can you tell me how many cities there was that the children of Isreal had to conquer before they reached the promised land?

At oint of the battle between these cities did Joshua and Caleb take over to take the children of Isreal into the Promised Land.So did they go ahead and leave the others with Moses that had to die in the wilderness, or did they wait until they all died off and then went to fight the remaining battle picking up where (the last city) Moses left off. This is a mystery to me?W hat was the last battle the children, (the adult’s that did not make it to the promise land) of Isreal fought with Moses before he died and they were not allowed to go any further? Was the battle of Jericho the last fight before entering into the promised land? So would you consider these to be the first of the twelve disciples in this day? As well as, was Joshua and caleb two adults allowed to go into the promised land witht the other under 20 years of age (children)?Were there other adults/What happened to Mariam and Aaron?Wasn’t this the same Aaron that God used to enter into the Ark of the Covenant? What happened to his faith. He had to be holy at some point,in order to be able to be used for this purpose (Ark of the Covenant?)Why didn’t Moses enter?

Was it because of his anger or because he told God to kill him to when he made the agreement in order to saved the chikdren of Isreal? And so it was.(Let Him die in the wilderness with them?)Let’s keep in touch, God is doing a new thing as he unveils new revelations of His Word each day (Himself) each day. I am looking for mentors to discuss the true word of GOD. Where did Caleb come from?

The 12 spies is the same as typology. As in 12 disciples. Their were no other people alive who had started the Exodus,the rest were people born on route. Miriam and Aaron had also died, Moses did not enter because it was his punishment for striking the rock twice to get water, Aaron was a priest and did go into the inner sanctum, Miriam got into trouble with God so he made her hand leprous, Aaron pleaded with Moses to pray for cleansing, so God cleansed her, but sent her outside the perimiter for a time. Thanks for your word, you said that God will raise a Joshue up which he has. He has every thing in place for the release of His word to His people. This world is going to be shaken with the word of God for it said the kingdom of God must be preached before the coming of the Lord Jesus Christ.

The word we are busy with is called, The Lord God has spoken, establish our kingdom, for my son is coming. Please pray and intercede for we are in need of prayers to prepare God’s people heart to receive this word.

Your servant the prophet Amanda. The release is soon.

It is time for the desolation to end. May God bless you.

Story interviews (or narrative interviews) are almost always necessary in order to tell a rich, interesting story. When you are able to talk to someone directly about a story, you can ask questions the help you gather key facts,. In turn, this provides you with much of the information you need to tell a great story.

To get information that helps you tell a great non-profit story, you’ll need great story interview questions.For many of the non-profit professionals that I work with, story interviews are one of the most challenging aspects of storytelling. Many people will fret about asking the “right” questions. Others get very nervous talking to someone they don’t know very well. Sometimes, they also worry about what to do if the interview is not going well.My best advice is to stay present and not let the worries take over.

When you are present and engaged in the story interview, that’s when you’ll be attuned to the details and will be able to ask great questions.Of course, it can also be helpful to come to the story interview prepared with some questions. You may not follow them exactly or even ask all of them, but they can be helpful guideposts during the interview. I typically like to prepare about 5 questions for interviews.Today I thought I would share some examples of questions that I’ve asked during story interviews.

Below are a mixed of the story interview questions that I’ve asked clients, volunteers, program staff, fundraising staff, executive directors, board members, and more. As you read through the questions, you’ll see that some apply to certain groups of people more than others.

I hope that they inspire you!. Tell me about what problem this program/service solves?. Can you tell me about a specific person who has used this program?. What was their life like before they began working with you?.

Short Story Questions

Do you remember the first time you met them? What was their emotional state like?. Now that they’ve gone through this program, what’s their life like? That’s a comprehensive list, Vanessa! I work for a social services organisation, but I also interview owners of small businesses as a hobby. I ask the same kind of question of both the NFP clients and the business owners: “What are your goals or dreams (for your family or business) now?”One of the services we run is a residential therapeutic community for mothers who have experienced violence and addiction.

They are generally referred to us by the state because of child protection concerns. So, often the mums come to us under duress.

However by the time their stay has ended (normally after six months), most have learned so much about themselves and parenting that they have a totally different outlook on themselves, what it means to be a mum, and what their family life can be like. I sometimes ask them the question (when they are graduating): “If you could go back in time to when you entered this programme, what would you say to yourself?” Most of them answer with some variation of “You can do it. Stick with it. Good things are going to happen.” As the stories we base on these interviews (with the client’s permission) are used within the programme and for those preparing to come to us, It is a helpful question for drawing out statements which will encourage other mums who are in the same boat as they once were.Doralin Fredericks says.

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