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Best Pua Routines Pdf Printer


A great way to build social value is through stories and pickup artist routines.Planned stories and pickup artist routines free up your mind to focus on other things. Like a computer, your brain only has so many clock cycles spare.Imagine you’re on your way to a bar or club and you’re getting yourself into a good state for approaching women. Now, imagine that you’re driving along the highway at the same time on the way there – a bit distracting.

Now imagine your friend is in the passenger’s seat asking you about math problems.There’s only so much that your brain can multitask at one time. And when you’re talking to women, there’s a LOT for your brain keep track of.even if you're introverted or not the best-looking guy by 'speaking to her DNA', a unique speaking technique I decoded.on why this unique method works so fast at removing girls' panties.

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🙂So you don’t want to bog yourself down in the middle of an interaction with the complex task of coming up with witty conversation pieces on the fly – especially when they can be prepared for ahead of time.First, I’ll give you a few example pickup artist routines, and then I’ll show you how to use them. My ex-girlfriend is stalking me pickup artist routine:I need your opinion I think my ex-girlfriend is stalking me. She kept trying to win me back by impressing me, but she just doesn’t have that adventurousness I look for in a girl.Well, I was walking down the street and I just see her there, standing across the street looking at me. Yeah, it’s kind of weird.I think she’s trying too hard to impress me. She used to be kind of fat, but now she’s lost weight and has gotten breast implants she kind of looks like that girl from the Bachelorette have you seen it?But I don’t want to get back with a girl just because she looks good.

Let me ask you, which of you guys is most adventurous? Start a bandYou: Hey girls, I’m going to start a band. Can either of you sing?You: Cool, you’ll be the back up singerYou: You’ll play guitar. Wait a sec what are your names?You: Tara and Buffy??

Nah, what are you kidding me, those names won’t work a band. Hmm you’ll be Beyonce and you’ll be Brittany. High-five meYou: Hold on, being in a band isn’t all fun and games though. Which one of you is going to be doing my laundry?You: No? Well then, I’m firing you guys. But you can still be my groupies. What to buy for my little sisterYou: Hey girls, I have a problem.Girls: WhatYou: My little sister’s birthday is coming up.

What should I buy her I was thinking of a stuffed elephant because she has a collection of them, but I think she’s too old for that now. What do you think? What did you guys play with when you were little. Pickup Routine: Masturbate in the showerYou: Did you know that 90% of girls masturbate in the shower?Girl: NoYou: The other 10% singGirl: Oh yeah?You: And do you know what they sing?Girl: No, what?You: Oh you must be one of the girls that masturbates then.Girl: hahaha How does everyone knows each otherYou: Hmm, let me see, I bet I can guess how you all know each other. Yes, I’m getting a vibe. Let me see, you two look like sisters. Let me guess, you must be best friends then.Girls: Yeah we are!You: See, wow I’ve got psychic powers.

Watch this, I can tell even more about yourselves. Give me your palm (do palm reading) Putting It All TogetherSo have three pickup artist routines memorized and ready to go. Decide what order you’ll stack them.

Having three routines ready to go frees up your brain to focus on your delivery.For example, you might open a group of girls by asking an opinion question, then ask how everyone knows each other, and then talk about your stalking ex-girlfriend. The transitioning is rather simple – just leave the old topic and launch right into the new.And once you tell a pickup artist routine, don’t wait for the girl’s permission to go on to the next one. Even if the girl only half-heartedly responded to the first routine, just launch into the next one. And the next.

Best Pua Routines Pdf Printer Download

Most likely you’ll hit on one that grabs her.You can also throw state accelerators into nearly any routine to give it an extra kick. State Accelerators are universal feel-good moves that accelerate the girls’ positive state. For example, giving a girl a high-five universally makes women feel good and can be incorporated into most routines.If a girl tells you, “I want to be the drummer in your band,” just say “Awesome! See you’re cool.

High-five!” and hold up your palm. High-five her. This accelerates the power of the routine.

Best Pua Routines Pdf Printer Free

I absolutely love all your challenges with taking care of your home. I wish you had one that could teach me step by step( even if it took more than 91 days!) how to get my kids to do what yours do. I really mean it! I have a chore check list for them in order to do the ipad. In the morning we have a list of jobs they have to do before they go to school. They are really simple like wash face, brush hair, eat, make bed etc.

But its hard for me to get them to pick up after them self since they are all over the house and i am not with them every second. They leave things everywhere. They leave or even collect little items and garbage in their rooms. They don’t clear their dishes i am constantly after them for so many things and i am often preoccupied with the baby somewhere else so i cant be constantly on top of them.Do you think you could give me advice? Or if you have a challenge for this kind of “children training” I would most definitely do it!! I am definitely going to use it!

After decluttering my kid rooms a month ago i used some of the ideas from your blog and they are now keeping their rooms clean and making their beds every day for a month now! I use the checklist system you have. I hope you keep writing more about this! How do you avoid power struggles with your kids?

Sometimes i have this problem when it comes to doing chores, homework, etc. I try the ipad or TV reward system. But then they just dont seem interested in ipad or TV after a while cause its too much work to get that reward. Cara hack twitter orang lain dengan mudah. Funny, huh!Thank you so much, Mary!

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